May 9, 2024

No matter how carefully you budget and plan there are things in life that can occur that cause problems finances. Often issues such as unexpected medical bills, divorce, loss of a job or other challenges in life cause missed payments or problems in making full payments on bills. This, in turn can result in bad credit and the need to find low credit auto loans.

We know the economy hasn’t always been your friend. With the Great Recession hitting in 2008, everyone had to tighten his or her belts somewhat. Many of us saw our bank accounts dwindle, but our expenses didn’t dwindle any. Chances are, you had to make some hard choices. If you have a job that is beyond walking or biking distance, you probably bought a car since the Recession. If you were truly strapped for money, you probably ran up some debt on a credit card or two or maybe even more. So, now that your credit isn’t as good as you’d like it to be, you might think that you can’t possibly get a loan for a new car. You’re in luck, though. At Rich’s Car Corner, we offer the most reliable bad credit car loans in Kirkland.

Can You Get Approved?

When you’re in the market for a new vehicle, you can apply for a loan at the Rich’s Car Corner website. Many dealerships are reluctant to offer bad credit auto loans in Kirkland. In fact, some don’t even do it at all. However, we know that you need to have a car for many reasons. One of those reasons is to go to work so that you can earn money and begin to work off your bad credit. We understand that no one benefits when you are unable to get to work. You won’t be able to pay off your debts, and will end up going into more debt.

What’s most important to getting approved for bad credit car loans is being completely upfront and honest with us about your finances. We understand that sometimes you might feel embarrassed if your finances are not as good as you would like them to be. However, there is nothing to feel ashamed about. The economy is a powerful force that is out of your control.

What Hurts Your Credit?

How does your credit sink to a point where you are searching for bad credit car loans? There are a few typical culprits that ruin someone’s credit. Divorce is a major factor that hurts people’s finances. Splitting assets, moving houses, and possibly having to pay alimony or child support are very big burdens to credit. When applying for bad credit auto loans with Rich’s Car Corner, you do not have to reveal alimony, child support, or separate mortgages if you do not want them to be considered for the repayment of your loan. That’s how devoted we are to getting you in a vehicle today.

An unpaid loan in the past also hurts your credit. Some banks and car dealerships deal with predatory lending practices, which means that they approve you for loans that you cannot possibly pay back. They do this so you will be forever trying to pay them back but never actually able to.